How To Get Free Live Streaming Forex Data in Less Than 30 Seconds?

5 min readJun 16, 2023


Streaming API helps you obtain real-time market data | Image from Unsplash

Live streaming market data plays a crucial role in making well-informed trading verdicts. Market participants in the modern digital era seek reliable, real-time market information.

Similarly, fintech companies, brokers, and institutions require it to integrate into their apps and websites — so that the users can have an unbiased view of the financial markets.

TraderMade has been the best market data vendor with a rich experience of over three decades aggregating market data from various reliable sources and providing it in real-time.

This article takes you through the steps to get Free Streaming API access in less than 30 seconds. So without waiting further, let’s dive into the steps to get your Streaming market data API access.

You can also watch a video tutorial for these steps on our YouTube channel:

Steps to Get a Free Forex Streaming API Access

Follow these simple steps to get the Free Streaming Market Data API access and start a WebSocket Trial:

Step 1: Go to our Forex data page

Type in this web address in your browser to go to our forex data page:

Forex data page
Forex data page

Step 2: Sign Up

Click on the ‘Sign In’ option (on your top right corner — marked in red in the image above) on our Forex page.

OR, click the ‘GET FREE DATA API KEY’ button (marked in green in the above image).

You will be taken to the sign-in page.

If you are signing in for the first time, please click on the ‘sign in’ option in your top right corner as shown below:

Login page
Login page

Step 3: Fill in Your Credentials and Login

Fill in your credentials as shown in the image below.

  • Your first name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Password
  • Then, confirm your password by retyping it in the given box
  • Please select the relevant option from the dropdown menu for How you found us
  • Click the Recaptcha box
  • Hit the ‘Sign up for free’ button at the bottom.
Sign-up by filling in your credentials
Sign-up page — fill in your credentials and Sign-up for free

Step 4: Confirm Your Email

You will see this screen after signing in. An automated confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided.

Registration done for Free Forex Live Streaming API
Registration done — an automated email will be sent.

You will receive a similar email in the inbox of the email you provide during registration. You need to click on the ‘Dashboard’ button marked in red — as shown in the image below:

Confirm your email. Click on Dashboard button.
Confirm your email to go to dashboard

Click on the ‘Dashboard’ button in the email. You will be redirected to the sign-in page. As you sign in with your credentials, you will be taken to your dashboard as shown below:

Dashboard page — Forex live streaming data API
Dashboard page

Step 5: Start Your Live Streaming API Trial

TraderMade offers a Free 14-day live-streaming API trial. You can choose WebSockets or SocketIO, depending on your technology needs. You can click the desired button (marked in red in the above image). Let’s consider the WebSocket Trial for this article.

Step 6: Get Your Live Streaming API Key

As you start a Free 14-day WebSocket Trial by clicking the relevant button, you can see:

  • A message confirming the activation of your trial (Marked in green in the below image).
  • A unique Streaming API Key, exclusively generated for you (Marked in red).
  • You can subscribe to our live streaming data during the trial period by clicking the ‘START PLAN’ button (Marked in pink).

Congratulations! You have successfully got your Live Streaming API and started a WebSocket Trial.

Making the most of your Live Streaming API Key

The Live Streaming API key opens up endless possibilities for you. Here are some advantages you can take:

Visit our data documentation page for WebSockets. You can type in this web address:

Or navigate to the documentation page through the dashboard. You can see the ‘Documentation’ option in the menu on your left-hand side.

The documentation page provides details to help you get started with our real-time data, available currencies, and some examples prepopulated with your streaming data API key. Only you can see this key once you log in and visit the documentation page.

We have provided learning resources designed for WebSockets in our technology tutorials. You can refer to various detailed, step-by-step tutorials. Our tutorials help you fetch real-time data using popular programming languages.

We provide technical tutorials to fetch real-time, streaming Forex, Crypto, and CFD data in various popular programming languages for the convenience of developers, analysts, and our tech-savvy users. Please go through the following tutorials to upskill yourselves in integrating streaming data into your apps, websites, and other solutions:

  1. Python WebSocket Client: Real-Time Forex
  2. Your First PHP WebSocket Client
  3. How To Build Your First C++ WebSocket Client

Winding Up

The article simplifies getting your live streaming data API key from TraderMade. Follow the steps explained to choose us as your data partners. Subscribe to suitable data subscription plans to obtain the most reliable and accurate Forex data feed in real time.



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